I am co-hosting a workshop on Aristotelian epistemology and natural philosophy together with Mika Perälä at the University of Helsinki on the 10 May, 2023. The workshop is a hybrid event. It will take place at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies, University of Helsinki, Lecture Room 24, The Forest House, Unioninkatu 40.
Zoom Link: https://helsinki.zoom.us/j/62389642608?pwd=UTRBc2E0eU9oNTA2eXBlMzlaaDUyQT09
Meeting ID: 623 8964 2608
Passcode: 284486
9.00–9.15 Mika Perälä (Helsinki): The opening of the workshop
9.15–10.30 Harry Alanen (Pittsburgh): Induction and perception of change in Aristotle’s natural philosophy
Coffee break
10.45–12.00 Mika Perälä (Helsinki): Induction in Aristotle’s Ethics
Lunch break
13.00–14.30 Lucas Angioni (Campinas): Scientific Knowledge and Perception in Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics I.31
Coffee break
14.45–16.00 Serena Masolini (Helsinki): Discussing Privation in Thirteenth-Century England: Geoffrey of Aspall and Anonymous, MS Wellcome, Hist. Med. Libr., 333
For further details and abstracts for the talks, please see the attached programme.