About me

Hello! My name is Harry Alanen, and I am a philosopher.

In November 2022 I received my DPhil in Philosophy from the University of Oxford. Starting in August 2023 I will be a visiting Fulbright Scholar at the University of Pittsburgh, co-sponsored by a grant from Ella & Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation. For more information please see the page on my research, or read on for my educational background.

If you have any questions, please, don’t hesitate to contact me.


In November 2022 I finished my DPhil in Philosophy at the University of Oxford (New College). My thesis – “Aristotle on Action and Agency” – was supervised by Ursula Coope, and examined by Stevie Makin and Michail Peramatzis. Prior to the DPhil I completed the MSt in Ancient Philosophy at Oxford, and before that a BA in Philosophy at University of Helsinki – my hometown.

During my time on the DPhil I have worked as a Stipendiary Lecturer in Ancient Philosophy at Christ Church College, teaching undergraduates topics ranging from Early Greek Philosophy to Philosophy of Mind. Throughout my time as a DPhil student I’ve also taught students a wide range of topics at various colleges.

In 2018 I spent a summer as a Visiting Doctoral Fellow at the University of Leipzig, while in 2017 I spent a term at Yale, working with David Charles.

If you have further questions, please feel free to contact me, or consult my CV.

Contact me

If you have any questions or just want to say hello please feel free to email me.

I also have profiles on the following websites (but I seldomly check these):